Thursday, August 7, 2014


^^^here we have the whole family reunion crew. clearly, we're missing some folks- dave and xiaxia recently bought a home in new jersey and were still in the process of settling in, and scott and kelly had to work (or so they said). but we still had a big wild and crazy group.^^^

^^^we stayed on cedar mountain and spent most of the first day exploring the mountain, looking for wild flowers, and collecting rocks at cedar breaks.^^^

^^^brad and nat brought their cute kiddos^^^

^^^kurt and britt's family made the trek from california right before the kids had to start back to school^^^

^^^and lisa and nate even hauled their two babies to the party^^^

^^^mom and dad (aka "the parents") had fun leading all the kids around on the old familiar paths and sharing stories about our ancestors. family reunion style.^^^

^^^the cousins were pretty much in full bonding mode. the big ones liked helping out the little ones and everyone ran around together like old friends. what a bunch of cuties.^^^

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