utah arts festival
^^^the salt lake city arts events are in full swing...and we're loving it! this weekend we saw performances from musicians, poets, kids, and of course acrobats- it's all happening at the utah arts festival.^^^
^^^the children's art section might have stolen the show this year. everyone got to paint giant paper mache farm animals.^^^
making friends.
^^^jared painting a cow.^^^
^^^^australian acrobats, "strange fruit"^^^
^^^dancing on swaying sticks. um yeah, pretty sure i would fall and break my neck. no, never mind. i'd never make it to the top of the pole.^^^
chalk art festival
^^^a couple weeks ago we went to the annual chalk art festival at the gateway. proceeds went to utah foster care, so all of the art was inspired by children's "wishes"^^^
^^^this was my favorite.^^^
^^^and this was jared's favorite. no surprise here.^^^
art high school
^^^jake and jared enjoying some art.^^^
^^^jared starting up the ol' time machine^^^
^^^getting excited about learning...well, sort of^^^
thanks for the party, jake and laurie!